Acupuncture is a form of therapy in which fine needles are inserted into specific points on the body.
If you have
Previously received treatment for pain, stiffness, difficulty moving or doing the things you love you may wish to consider Acupuncture as part of your treatment plan.
Western medical acupuncture is a precise form of treatment that uses fine solid needles (acupuncture needles), inserted at specific anatomical points, to relieve client symptoms (e.g. pain). Electrical stimulation may (or may not) be added to enhance the effect.
After graduating from Massage Therapy school and becoming licensed to practice, Simon completed his training in Contemporary Medical Acupuncture at McMaster University (2011). In 2013 he was invited to become adjunct instructor at the program. There he taught Physicians, Physiotherapists, Chiropractors and fellow RMT’s safe needling techniques and treatment protocols that are helpful for many muscle and joint related problems (e.g. tennis elbow).
Acupuncture treatments can result in temporary relief or disappearance of symptoms, and other times results in permanent relief of the problem. This is most likely to occur when symptoms are irritable due to inflammation and persistent irritation of muscles, joints or connective tissue. Best when combined with a remedial exercise prescription.
Probably not the treatment for you if:
Experience needle phobia, previous history of unexplained fainting, clotting disorder.
is acupuncture safe?
Acupuncture is generally safe in trained hands. Side effects are very rare – less than one per 10,000 treatments.
does acupuncture have side effects?
- drowsiness occurs after treatment in a small number of people
- minor bleeding or bruising occurs in about 3% of treatments
- pain during treatment occurs in about 1% of people
- symptom irritability can develop in less than 3% of clients
- lightheadedness and fainting can occur in predisposed people, particularly at the first treatment
does acupuncture work?
When the right treatment, is delivered at the right time, results will follow.
is acupuncture covered by my plan?
Yes. Acupuncture is covered by your plan if 1) you have massage therapy coverage 2) your provider is acupuncture authorized by the CMTO.
Related Treatments
A great addition to treatment plans where indicated.