Massage Therapy
Massage has a therapeutic effect on the body, optimizes health and well-being by acting on the muscular, nervous and circulatory systems.
If you have
fatigue, muscle tension, soreness, stress, injury relief, chronic pain and stress, posture, high blood pressure and sleep issues
Depth varies and depends on your goals, the best available evidence and the treating therapists clinical experience.
massage therapy
Massage Therapy is a clinically-oriented healthcare option that helps alleviate the discomfort associated with every day occupational stresses, muscular over-use and many chronic pain conditions.
before your treatment
Before a treatment, your therapist will propose a personalized treatment plan based on an initial assessment. The assessment primarily focuses on your areas of concern, how this may impact how you feel, move and live day-to-day.
During your treatment
Various specialized movements of the hands, over the skin or clothes, make up the massage treatment. Your RMT will work with your level of pain tolerance during the treatment. Your massage can be stopped at any time should the treatment become uncomfortable.
During your initial assessment, you will highlight your goals and through the treatment plan prescribed by your RMT, you will work toward them. You may require more than one treatment to provide the results you require.
Probably not the treatment for you if
You are unable to understand and provide consent to a given treatment plan and/or your substitute decision maker is unavailable. In these cases, RMT’s are also required to refuse treatment at that time.
is my massage covered?
Many private insurance companies include coverage for massage therapy as part of their plans. Please consult your current policy for what is covered. We also offer direct billing to make your treatment process smoother – learn more.
do i need a doctor's referral?
Massage treatment is not covered by OHIP. Many private insurance companies cover treatment from a massage therapist as part of their plans. Please consult your policy. We also provide direct billing where necessary.
will it hurt? I had a very intense treatment years ago. I was sore for days.
Depth varies and depends on your goals, the best available evidence and the treating therapists clinical experience.
Graded exposure to pressure is always preferred, but more isn’t always better. Communication is important.
Why do I feel so good after a massage?
The world is now 24/7. Being on the alert and living with a high level of stress can start to feel like the norm. Experiencing the “relaxation response” associated with a positive Massage Therapy treatment can be very therapeutic.
Related Treatments
A great addition to treatment plans where indicated.